Saturday, October 15, 2005


We started homeschooling yesterday! Heather is so excited about learning. She insists on calling me "Teacher" when we are doing school Tonight we read out of her Family Bible, part of our curriculum. We read about creation. So, I asked Heather who created the world. She responded by telling me that God created the world. I then told her to tell her daddy about the story we read. She ran to Brad and asked him, "Daddy, do you know what God made?" Then, she went on to say, "The world, the fish, the birds, the sky,......". She went on and on. I'm so proud of her. I hope that her love of learning continues for a long time to come. We are going to Grandma Barbara's house this next week, and I'll be sure to take her books along. I'm sure she'll want her grandma and auntie to know that she is in "school".

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